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Upcoming Keynote Speaking

The following are events that the Achieve Ag team will be presenting at, as a keynote speaker. If you are interested in attending, please contact the organisers directly, as these are not an Achieve Ag run events.

  • More events to come

Upcoming Achieve Ag Events & Workshops

The following are workshops that we offer based on demand.  If you would like one to run in your area, or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Sheep in a paddock

Maternal Magic

This program is only available through Achieve Ag Solutions.  Be part of an elite group of producers. Participate in 5 days of workshops throughout the calendar year, delivering you all of the best practical science to take your lambs from conception through to consumption. Challenge yourself.

$1200+ GST per participant

Click here for more info 

Sheep in a paddock

Individual Animal Management

Knowing the performance of individuals in your flock opens up great opportunities for selection pressure, and stocking rate flexibility.  It also provides feedback on your management.


Find out more about the role that Electronic ID can play in your business

Contact Nathan Scott - 0409 493 346

Sheep in a paddock

Sire Right

Are you buying the rams that best suit your objectives? If you can't say for certain, or better still back it up with numbers to prove it, then this is the workshop for you.  You wouldn't bet big on a horse based on how it looks in the mounting yard, so don't gamble with rams either.

Contact Nathan Scott - 0409 493 346

Sheep in a paddock

Maximising Lamb Survival 

Learn the steps to maximising lamb survival through hands on lamb post mortems.  Make sense of what you find, what to collect, assess and plan for success and achieving continual improvement.

Contact Nathan Scott - 0409 493 346

Sheep in a paddock

Weaning Success

Weaning isn't a chore, it's a crucial strategy.  This workshop helps you ensure that your weaners hit the ground running after weaning. From nutrition & health, through to sheep psychology. Get your weaning right!

Contact Nathan Scott - 0409 493 346

Sheep in a paddock

Lamb Finishing Workshop

This fast paced workshop is specifically designed for those wanting to achieve real lamb performance.  Learn the science behind pasture based lamb finishing systems.

Contact Nathan Scott - 0409 493 346

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